Monday, March 27, 2006

Ben LOST it !!

Well, Ben had another "lose it" moment in church yesterday. I also had another "lose it" moment as a result of his lose it moment but that's another story. So anyway, we made it through the responsorial psalms before we had to make a hasty getaway. I tried everything. I took him into the nursery but he wouldn't stop crying. I used distractions but he wouldn't be distracted. We even tried the little chapel in the back of the church but then some people came in and started to pray, and well, I knew that Ben's crying wasn't condusive to prayer. So I left and went outside and sat on the bench while he pitched his fit. He was upset of all things, because of my purse. I changed purses back to using on that I've had for a while but hadn't used. Ben apparently had a memory of this purse having lollypops in it and kept trying to give it to me - his way of asking for one. Unfortunately, I didn't have any. I tried to show him that and I took everything out of it, and let him look for himself. This didn't do any good and once Ben has his mind set on something, there is no turning back. Ben and I spent the remainder of mass sitting in the minivan, waiting for Rob and the girls. This whole incident clouded my mood yesterday, but we did have a nice lunch afterwards. So at least something good happened. The autism conference was a success, and I was definitely inspired by some of the speakers they had. Thanks Kathy, for going with me!


Wendy said...

Hi, I just found your site. I haven't read all of your posts obviously but I did read that your son was GFCF, then not, then GFCF again. I don't know if you've done any research on enzymes but we took my son off the GFCF diet and started giving him enzymes with each meal and he's fine. We got our from Houston Nutraceuticals...AFP Peptizyde. Might be worth looking into.

Kristin said...

Yes, we've done the enzymes but I've laid off them lately. I gave him enzymes (Peptyzide and Zyme Prime) for every meal and snack while he was off the GFCF diet and we still saw a regression, more hyperactivity, etc. I really wish it had worked for us, life would be so much easier!

About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.