Sunday, June 11, 2006

Updating June Has Arrived . . .

and of course, with June's arrival, so comes the kids last day of school. For us it was last Friday, and tomorrow is our first full day of summer vacation. Ben starts ESY(Extended School Year) on the 28th, and he's going to take the bus to and from school. It lasts until August 2nd. I have to take Katherine to the dentist tomorrow because her permanant teeth are growing up behind her baby teeth and the baby ones don't seem to want to come out. That she might have to have them pulled breaks my heart, as she's already been through so much pain at the dentist in her short life. Ben has a dentist appointment on Thursday morning and I think he too will have to have a couple of fillings, though I don't know when that is going to happen. This afternoon Ben gave our new couch it's first real test when he grabbed one of our tea bags from the counter and proceeded to swing it around "decorating" our couch with the tea stains. Rob washed the slip covers and thought its not all out, it looks pretty good. More or less. *sigh* On a brighter note, Casey came by last week and gave me Ben's notebook. There's a lot of paperwork to do, with the whole ABA therapy thing but I'm optimistic about really getting started. I just have to do some reading first. It's hard to get around to it but I know it should be a priority. Also, a kind of a fun Ben development - he loves popsicles! He would never touch them before because of his aversion to cold things, but they gave him a little popsicle at preschool a few weeks ago and viola, he gobbled it up. So I bought a whole bunch of them for the kids and now all three of them are happy. We went swimming yesterday at a local pool, and they all had a blast. It was so cute, while I was getting lunch ready, Ben brought me his swim trunks insistently, as if to say, let's put these on me mom, and get a move on! He's so passionate about swimming, I'm pretty confident that one day he'll be a great swimmer.

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About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.