Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Yeast Beast

I've started treating Ben for yeast on my own. I'm just using enzymes and olive leaf extract, nothing harsh or harmful. Just in case he doesn't have yeast. I really wish I had a DAN doctor to help me out with all of this, but I don't. His pediatrician knows little about autism. His appointment with the Ft. Lewis developmental pediatrician has been put on hold until our schedules mesh. So far, I am cautiously optimistic. He had a few bad days and then a really good couple of days last Thursday and Friday. Yesterday (Saturday) was pretty bad, though. Several tantrums for no good reason. Had one tantrum this morning, but our CS (college student) took care of him for us all afternoon so we could take the girls to the mall and she said he had a GREAT afternoon. No tantrums at all. He's still spitting a lot, though. I'm going to be trying a probiotic called Threelac that I ordered as soon as it comes in from Amazon. It's supposed to be a very powerful yeast killer. One of the main reasons I think Ben has yeast is his white coated tongue, and his emotional ups and downs, as well as the sleep problems and the spitting. Yeast is a problem for a lot of autistic kids, Jenny McCarthy's kid included, so I feel it's worth investigating. I've replaced his sugar with Xylitol, a sweetener on which yeast cannot grow. Trying to keep the fruits to a minimum, but that's hard since he doesn't love meat or vegetables. He practically lives off fruit and carbs. Still, when Ben has an "on" day, he is SO on. Loving, compliant, cuddly, happy. I wish every day could be like that.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I suppose I owe everyone an explaination as to why I haven't been updating this blog. I think I'm doing some serious soul searching as to Ben's future. His impairment is severe. On the bright side, he's a happy, loving, cheerful little boy most of the time. On the not so bright side, he doesn't seem to be getting any better. Perhaps this is partly my fault. I don't know. Perhaps it's the beast that is autism. Still, most of the time I feel like I'm just treading water, trying to keep everything afloat. In doing that, I'm doing a sufficient job in most of my duties as a parent, but not a great job at anything. I've gotten help in the form of a college student, who comes to help with Ben four days a week. But she is not a therapist. Whatever Ben needs is going to have to be more intense than what he's getting now. I think his school is overwhelmed by his disability and the maintenance he requires. His therapists are helpful, but provide three hours a week. I hope somehow God will shed some light on this for us, and point me in the right direction. As for now I'm taking one day at a time. Unless I have some significant GOOD news to report, I'm not going to blog about my complaints. I don't think that's healthy for any of us.

About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.