Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mr. Smiley Social Boy

That's Ben's new name. I've seen improvement in the amount of interest Ben takes in the family lately. He's been smiling and teasing us and the girls, and in general has been a happy little guy, when he's been feeling well. We're learning our sign language signs in earnest now, working on them every day. I'm pretty sure he said bye-bye to one of the teachers at his school today, but I'm not holding my breath until I hear it again. He has a habit of saying things once and then never saying them again. We went to the park last Sunday and he had a grand old time just being a little boy, climbing on the jungle gym, sliding the slides and hanging out with his sisters. We're working on getting him to do 10 signs without any physical assistance: drink, chip, candy, cookie, jump, spin, swing, ball, duck and popsicle. Some of these are not entirely new to him, but he still needs assistance getting his hands in the right places. All in all, he's been doing really well, and we have an IEP meeting next week. Cross your fingers for us. By the way, I have a new blog, if you want to see what I'm reading after the kids go to bed. It's whatkristinisreading.blogspot.com. Go knock yourself out, but I'm warning you, don't expect me to read too fast. Speed reading has never been a talent of mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the "new work only one time" thing. Sometimes it doesn't strike me until about a month later - didn't he say that once? Oh yeah, and then we never heard it again.
The brain is one crazy place, that's for sure.

About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.