Monday, May 18, 2009

Nothing Profound, Yet All Is Well

Rob's back from Mississippi and for that we're truly grateful. Ben is still doing well on the potty, and all in all, things are as good or better than can be expected. Things are starting to come together for the summer, and I expect Ben will be in summer school for the month of July. He'll be getting 3 hours of therapy four days a week as well, so it looks like it'll be a busy time for him, unlike the two previous summers. I firmly believe that, like most other autistic kids, Ben needs as much structure as possible for as much of the day as is feasible. He is simply unable to entertain himself in a normal way. Even on a short trip to the bus stop or walking out to the car, his compulsions take over. But if he's busy, his spitting definitely decrease. On the whole, over the past few weeks, he's been exceedingly happy. He wakes up cheerful most mornings and has been sleeping well, in fact, yesterday he slept until 8:30! I'm looking forward to a constructive summer for him and the girls, who are enrolled in two week long day camps and an art class. Ben loves to swim, so I'll try to throw some of that in there too. That's all for now.

1 comment:

Mary Jane said...

I am glad things are going well. Tell Rob.. Welcome Home!!!!

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.