Monday, January 01, 2007

Everyone is Better Now, even me!

Well, all the kids are well and healthy now, but Rob and I were sick on our Disney World trip over Christmas. He is better now, and I'm almost better, but not perfect yet. It amazes me how long it takes me to get over sickness now. When I was younger I never had a cold for longer than a week, but now it just drags on and on. Oh well, back to the kids. Ben did AWESOME on our Disney World trip, much better than I could have ever expected. He was happy the whole time and tolerated almost every ride we put him on. His favorites were the merry Go round and the Dumbo ride. Disney World was much more fun for him than MGM or Epcot, but he was a happy cheerful little person during the whole trip. On to his next big change. We've abandoned the gluten/casein free diet. For now at least. He's very happy to be eating goldfish and drinking milk again, and for now, we're going to let him keep on doing it. I plan to pay close attention to how the month of January goes for him. He does seem a bit more stimmy and hyper, and there's been a couple of nights when he's had trouble getting to sleep, but some of that may be his body adjusting to it. On the whole he's been quite happy and affectionate, and he hasn't lost any of his signing ability. I must admit I haven't really done any ABA with him since before he got sick, so it'll be a while before we catch up to where we were.

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About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.