Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Th0ught 0n Katrina

Father J0hn, 0ur dev0ut, liberal yet s0metimes 0verly critcal priest said s0mething a c0uple 0f weeks ag0, even bef0re the wh0le Katrina disaster happened. He said in his h0mily that we did n0t get t0 live 0ur lives 0f c0mf0rt and pr0sperity here in Chapel Hill because we deserved it, 0r earned it, 0r even were w0rthy 0f it. We live here as we d0, as citizens 0f the middle class because we g0t lucky. We "w0n the l0ttery 0f life" as he put it, and we w0n it big. As I reflect 0n what happened t0 the very p00rest 0f the p00r in New 0rleans, I c0mpletely agree. R0b said the he g0t l0st in New 0rleans while he was visiting Keesler AFB and ended up in 0ne 0f the p00rer secti0ns 0f the city. He said the p0verty there was ast0nishing. S0me h0mes didn't even have d00rs. These pe0ple already had very little t0 begin with, and n0w they have n0thing. It makes anything I feel like c0mplaining ab0ut seem very miniscule. I c0uld rant ab0ut the unfairness 0f life, but b0y right n0w I d0 feel very lucky.

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.