Friday, August 18, 2006

Potty Training Aborted!!

I had to abandon potty training Ben yesterday because I simply decided for my own mental health, I cannot do it by myself. I need Rob here to clean and cook and care for the girls, or else putting Ben on the potty every 5 minutes is very stressful and I'm not a person that handles stress particularly well. He did show some sucesses on the second day and seemed to be getting the hang of it, but I couldn't continue it until I have some help. Doing it by myself is crazy and not fair to any of the children. Katherine got her first grade assignment today and has been put in a straight first grade classroom, not the Kindergarten/First Grade class like I had hoped. They had one, but they just didn't put her in it. Go figure. The girls managed to get one of their hamsters stuck - really stuck - in one of Ben's toys today and I spent a good 45 minutes trying to get it out. I finally did, but I was not a happy camper. Still, I managed to get a little bit of ABA work done with Ben. We worked for about an hour on task completion, gross motor imitiation and balance, verbal imitation (he's getting pretty good at saying "Mi" for Gummi - sometimes he even says "Numi") , touching requested objects, matching numbers in several formats, etc. I need to do ABA every single day with him. I guess I'll just have to put on a movie for the girls tomorrow and Sunday so I can do some work with him. He's been super stimmy lately but he worked well today despite that. I am so psyched that his preschool classroom right now has only 3 kids in it!! That is so awesome, but I know the school system is going to try to put more in. Hopefully he'll get some nice attention for a little while. Hope his teacher's good. I've been researching Air Force Bases lately since Rob's next assignment will be coming up shortly after Christmas. I want to be sure we have our best options for Ben and the family down on Rob's preference list. I'm very intrigued by Offut AFB, near Omaha, Nebraska because apparently, the schools are awesome. The base looks pretty cool too, nice and clean, with a lake on base on good officer housing. I've also heard great things about New Jersey's services, though the base in NJ, McGuire, doesn't look quite as nice. I think Virginia is out for us, though. Apparently, they don't have much in the Norfolk area for autism. California and Texas are still good possibilities, since we know we like them. So as you can see, I've been keeping busy. Two weeks until Rob comes back. Yay!


Kat said...

We have lived in the Norfolk area for one year and lived for two years in Northern VA. Virginia in generally is lacking in services.

I have also heard NJ is good, don't know anything about NE.

We lived in Hawaii and the autism services there were GREAT. And Hickam is a show-case base. Truly.

My son potty trained late. When he finally did, it was because he decided to make it part of his routine. It'll happen :)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog! I'm an Autism blogger, too. We're in WA state, in the Seattle area. There are good services here, not that you mentioned this area. ;) Where are you currently? My 5 yo son with Autism started a special Transition Kindergarten class this year. So far, so good. He was a late potty trainer, too. He got the peeing down pretty quickly, but I swear he was having poop accidents for months. I think it finally just clicked - thank goodness! That, and we made sure his diet and supplements were all OK. I think once he got "back to normal" intestinally, that helped. He still wears nighttime diapers, though.

About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.