Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Every once in a while, not too often mind you, but now and then, I get in a zoomin' groove. Everything has gone right today. My house is spanking clean (except for the master shower) and Ben has been ABA'ed for the day and the girls are happily playing in the playroom and everything is perfect. Rob is coming home tomorrow and I'm so proud that I have a clean neat semi organized home to show him. I've decluttered a bunch of my cabinets and though I have tons more to do, I took 3 boxes to the Thrift Shop yesterday. I am so psyched and happy right now, I must keep the momentum going. Now if I can only channel my energies into writing!! Ben was picked up by a transportation service guy this morning at 7:05 am and stayed at school until 1 when I picked him up. Cool beans! First Katherine, now Ben, and next Caroline.... it's off to school we go .... Hi Ho, hi ho .....

1 comment:

ErinMary said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Your post about potty training hit home, I feel like I've pretty much given up for now. Thomas turned 3 in April, and while he can pee in the potty, and has done #2, he doesn't do it when he "needs" to. He starts preschool special education this coming week. I'm hoping to start potty training with there help (geez, I never thought I would need help with this), but I still don't have any expectations of quick success.
Good luck to you!

About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.