Tuesday, June 21, 2005

And We're Off to A Rocky Start. . .

I wish I could say that the last couple of days were terrific for Ben but they haven't been. He's been okay out in public but at home he's been driving me crazy. He's stimming a lot, and now that he isn't as interested in books, he's got nothing to do but get in trouble if I'm not personally engaging him in some activity, which let's face it, doesn't happen as often as it should. I don't want this to be a complaining blog, but I must rant a bit. He spins the stools in our kitchen all the time. He has started chewing wood again, and when he's not gnawing on our coffee table, the windowsills, the bannister, the dining room table, he is scraping his fingernails in it. He climbs on me all the time and squeezes my arms. He has gotten fussier when it comes to eating. He used to love goldfish, cheerios, and wheat thins, now he just crumbles them up and spreads the crumbs all over the floor and then wants more to do the same thing again and has a tantrum if I don't do it. I get so tired of telling him NO all the time that I'll admit there are sometimes I just give up. Playing outside didn't go so well today, as neither the girls or Ben wanted to stay out there. Finally, I just came in and in order to quell a tantrum, I just put on the Wiggles for him. I'm just so worn out and I don't know why. Maybe my next post will be better.

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About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.