Friday, June 17, 2005

Testing . . .

I shipped out the first test of Ben's today to the lab. I have a whole bunch of tests sitting in our living room, some blood, one urine, one fecal (yeah, I know, gross) and I have to collect the samples one by one and send them off for analysis. I gave Ben his first enzyme tablets today at breakfast and he took them readily. I guess they must taste pretty good. One is supposed to help with digesting the casein/gluten proteins and the other is supposed to help digest starches. No big changes in Ben in the past couple of days, but he's been pretty happy except for a tantrum last night at bedtime. He had started sort of singing Chugga chugga big red car, which is the song from the Wiggles that Ben loves. So I thought I'd encourage him and I started singing it too. But he got angry and threw a fit because he then thought that I would put on the Wiggles video for him, but it was time for bed. I stopped giving him the NDF celation drops because he had a wicked rash on his bottom the day before yesterday, and I didn't know why. It was on the back of his legs too, so I thought it must be an allergy to something. I still gave him the primrose oil yesterday, but did not do the drops or the cod oil. His rash is better, so I'll reintroduce the cod oil today and tomorrow and then try the NDF again in a few days. His poor little body is sure receiving an onslaught of new things.

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.