Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ben's Day

Today was a typical day for Ben. He went to school at 8:15, did his school stuff, had lunch and I picked him up at 1pm. He's been pretty happy and affectionate, but still stimming and yelling as usual. I worked with him for a little while this afternoon, doing a couple of puzzles at his work table and then doing some floor play. He actually built a tower with his blocks when I showed him how to do it and then asked him to do the same. He was only mildly interested in it but it's a start. We jumped on the trampoline, sang the ABCs (just me and Caroline) and then banged on the toy drum while we sang row row row your boat. I was testing his imitation skills by asking him to copy me as I tapped on the table. He didn't do everything I asked him to, but I can't deny that Ben understands me, he just doesn't know why he's doing these silly things.

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.