Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spitting and Self Involvement

He's spitting again. It's driving us crazy. Spitting on the couch. Spitting on the floor. Spitting on the carpet. Some days it seems like Ben is bent on destroying every single thing in our house. If it's intact, he wants to mar it in some way, to make his mark. He bite things, pulls loose threads, stains things on purpose. I don't want to be negative, but I guess I am today. Forgive me. Some days it's hard to live with Ben. As for the self involvement, I guess that's mine. I'll admit it. I'm far from the perfect mom. I'm self involved. I like doing my own thing. I work with Ben on most days, but often the demands of all the kids combined just saps my energy. This is why my blog notes are so few and far between. Ben's ABA is going well, but on a daily basis, I cannot seem to keep one step ahead of him. He outthinks me consistently. It is difficult to anticipate his next move. He gets things I never would have thought about. The spitting is just the most recent development. I'm sure my next post will be more upbeat. Sorry.

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.