Monday, February 16, 2009

Auditory Discrimination is Ben's Game!

All right, some good news to report. I have to take it where I can get it. Ben was bobcat of the day twice last week. That's the award his elementary school gives to the student of the day. Granted, his is a small class, but apparently he's been behaving really well on the days that he behaves well. Got that? On the other days, his "off" days - well, see the last post. Today he had an ABA session even though school is out, and he's found his new forte. For a while now, his teacher at school has been writing home that he's doing really well at auditory discrimination. I didn't really know what they were refering to, but apparently there's a whole ABA program designed to get a child to listen to a sound and then find the picture that corresponds with the sound. For instance, the sound of a duck quacking will be played, and then the child will pick the picture of a duck out of a set of different pictures. Well, Ben is very good at this! Today his therapist probed him on a whole lot of new pictures and sounds that he had never tried before and he got almost all of them. He apparently knows what sound a frog makes, and even how a toilet sounds when it's flushing. Cool, huh? It's nice to find something that Ben excels at. Every once in a while, I get a glimpse of how smart he is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Ben!!!!!!

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.