Monday, July 18, 2005

It's Monday again!!!

And I love Mondays. Really. I do. Ben went back to school today and about 10am I got a call from his speech therapist over the summer. Ben bit her. My son is a biter. I actually knew he was a biter, or at least could be, but he's not bitten me in a good long time so I kind of thought he knew better by now. Apparently not. I apologized profusely for his vampiric tendencies- he actually drew blood through her pants - but the school system seemed more worried about whether I wanted the therapist to be tested for any diseases so that I would know whether Ben had been exposed to anything, though it was unlikely he touched any blood through her pants. And here I was, preparing to write this blog about how he did a tupperware shape sorter, and beaded a bead snake yesterday without fussing, wearing his new vest. I really don't know if this diet and the supplements are helping a whole lot, but we'll keep trying for now. I took a test the other day called the ATEC, put out by the Autism Research Institute. Ben's score was 102, meaning yep, he's autistic. A normal child would have a very low score. I'm going to take the same test a couple of months from now and see how much has changed due to these interventions we're taking, at least that way I have some way to measure progress other than my subjective observations. Ben has turned on Taiwanese TV in the background now. I guess I'd better go. I'll write again soon, and I'm about 3/4 of the way through the new Harry Potter book, if anybody cares. :-)

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About Me

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I'm a writer, calligrapher, bookseller, wife and mother to three teenagers.